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Criticas Online


July 23, 2019

A recent study by TripAdvisor and Ipsos Mori of more than 23,000 respondents from 12 markets reveals that online reviews continue to influence booking decisions.

The study indicates that crowd wisdom remains the reason why respondents visit TripAdvisor, with participating users citing descriptive reviews (70%), content accuracy (62%) and the wide range of travel content (62%) as your top reasons to visit the site.

With respect to reviews of hotels, restaurants and attractions, more than four out of five (85%) of respondents indicate that reviews they read on TripAdvisor accurately reflect their experience, with 86% agreeing that TripAdvisor does make them feel more confident about their reserve decisions.

"These results show how important travelers think the real perspectives of real people are when planning their travel," says Becky Foley, Director of Trust & Security at TripAdvisor. "While there are thousands of places where travel information can be obtained online, people keep coming back to TripAdvisor because they are driven by reviews and can confidently plan the right trip for them."

People trust people

The results reveal that traveler reviews remain a source of information not to be missed, with 72% of respondents reading their reviews often or often before making a decision about where to eat and stay, or what they can do. The number is even higher when it comes to accommodation reservations, with four out of five surveyed travelers (81%) always or frequently reading reviews before making a reservation.

Nearly eight out of 10 tripAdvisor users (79%) are more likely to book a hotel with a rating when undecided between two apparently similar units, and more than half (52%) agree that they would never book a hotel without review.

When searching, respondents indicate that the most important thing they look for when reading reviews is recent content. They want to know that what they are reading is a current perspective from another traveler, with 78% focusing on the latest criticism.

TripAdvisor users make thoughtful decisions, with nearly four out of 10 respondents (39%) saying they ignore extreme comments, and more than half of respondents (55%) reading multiple reviews on multiple pages to get the overall sense of the comments. opinions. On average, TripAdvisor users read 9 reviews before making a decision about booking a hotel or restaurant.

Why do people write reviews?

The study results underline that TripAdvisor is not simply a place for people to voice their complaints. When asked why they write reviews and share their stories on TripAdvisor, the main reason given by 87% of people is that they want to share good experiences with other travelers; This is supported by the fact that the world average rating on TripAdvisor in 2018 was 4.22 out of five.

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